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Icons in LivoLINK – system messages

At the centre of LivoLINK’s system interaction are icons, commonly referred to as messages, which…

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Icons in LivoLINK – system messages

At the centre of LivoLINK’s system interaction are icons, commonly referred to as messages, which play an important role in communicating the current state of the system. They are visual cues that accompany users from the initiation of a request through to the final stage of a project. Some of them are informative, while others have a warning function, signalling potential problems or the need to take action.

Information messages:

Orange triangle with an exclamation mark: signals the need for specific actions to maintain the process flow. For example, after the translator has completed their stage of work, this icon would appear to indicate that quality control can begin.

Green shield: indicates key aspects of the work process, for example that a file was successfully uploaded.

Running man icon: indicates that a process is in progress and has not yet been completed.

Hourglass icon: also informs about the ongoing process, but indicates that it will require more time to complete.

Green card icon: indicates that the task proposal has been accepted by a vendor.

Warning messages:

Black circle icon with the letter ‘i’: indicates that something needs to be corrected at a particular stage of the process, for example, that there is no way of calculating the price for a price list item.

Burgundy icon with an exclamation mark: indicates a failure, for example, the rejection of a task proposal or the incomplete translation in the uploaded package.

LivoLINK offers precise guidelines at every stage of the process, and their optimal use contributes to the efficiency of translation projects

TASKS AT LIVOLINK – Proactive Team Management (part 2)

Thanks to the MY SUGGESTIONS and COMPLETED TASKS functions, LivoLINK provides comprehensive tools for effective…

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TASKS AT LIVOLINK – Proactive Team Management (part 2)

Thanks to the MY SUGGESTIONS and COMPLETED TASKS functions, LivoLINK provides comprehensive tools for effective task management in a translation agency. It enables not only the optimization of teamwork but also a proactive approach to assigning tasks following employee competencies. Use the potential of LivoLINK to make task management in your translation agency even more effective and organized.


In the MY PROPOSALS tab, translation agency employees, including translators, proofreaders, post-editors, and the quality control team, have unlimited access to the list of proposals with tasks to be performed. This intuitive tab allows translation agency employees to select tasks consistent with their competencies and adapt them to their work schedules. This tool doesn’t just make assigning tasks easier but also facilitates effective management of work in teams. The employee can decide which tasks he wants to take on, which results in higher team motivation and work efficiency.


The COMPLETED TASKS tab is the central place where you can find a list of all completed tasks in your translation agency. This tool allows you to effectively monitor whether all tasks have been performed as expected. It also provides information on which tasks were performed, who was responsible for completing them, and a detailed description of each task. Thanks to this, the completed data becomes a valuable source of work efficiency analysis and can be used to improve work processes in the future.

Reports for the translator – facilitating work on translation projects

Professional translators are a key element of the success of a translation agency. To make…

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Reports for the translator – facilitating work on translation projects

Professional translators are a key element of the success of a translation agency. To make their job easier, it is important to provide them with essential work tools and make sure that the translation process is transparent. To meet their needs, LivoLINK, an advanced translation project management software, offers reports dedicated to translators.

Reports for translators in LivoLINK help translators track their work, manage projects, and effectively use available resources. Moreover, they have access to information about assigned work, deadlines, project specifications, and other key details. Translators can track project progress, control the amount of work, and monitor their own efficiency.

In addition, reports for translators allow you to easily manage deadlines and work schedules. Translators receive notifications about upcoming deadlines, which helps them avoid delays and ensure high-quality translations. For translators cooperating with translation agencies, LivoLINK is not only a work tool, but also a great support in task organization and effective time management. Thanks to reports, translators can work more efficiently and provide better translations, which increases customer satisfaction and company success.

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