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Precise quoting thanks to LivoLINK – how to estimate the margin on translation orders?

Every company, regardless of its industry, strives to achieve two key goals: providing customers with…

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Precise quoting thanks to LivoLINK – how to estimate the margin on translation orders?

Every company, regardless of its industry, strives to achieve two key goals: providing customers with the highest quality services and maximizing profits. In the world of translation agencies, these goals often come down to precise quoting. LivoLINK, a comprehensive translation project management software, places great emphasis on this issue, enabling translation agencies to estimate potential margins at the quoting stage.

The Golden Rule of precise quoting

Quoting is a key process for every translation agency. But how can you precisely assess costs and margins, especially considering translators’ rates vary depending on specialization and other factors? This is where LivoLINK comes in.

Automatic margin estimation

LivoLINK offers the functionality of automatic cost and margin estimation at the quote stage. It means that the person preparing the quotation no longer has to rely on intuition or manual calculations. LivoLINK provides the estimated translation cost and calculates the potential margin on a given quote.

Accuracy and configurability

The cost estimation method is fully customizable by the company. This means that the translation agency can adapt it to its unique needs. The company can indicate representative groups of translators divided into e.g. specialization, availability, native language, supplier rating, etc., based on which LivoLINK will calculate the average translation cost. This approach provides even greater precision in estimating costs and margins.

Competitive advantage

Thanks to LivoLINK, the translation agency has a tool that allows it to quote precisely without fear of the quotation being too low or too high. This not only increases the company’s competitiveness but also builds customer trust. Customers appreciate the professionalism and precision in quoting, which can lead to more successful projects and loyal customers.

The outline

Estimating the potential margin at the quote stage can be a challenge for Project Managers or sellers of your LSP, but LivoLINK makes this task much simpler and more precise. This tool not only streamlines the quoting process but also helps translation companies achieve greater efficiency and competitiveness in the market.

Reports for the translator – facilitating work on translation projects

Professional translators are a key element of the success of a translation agency. To make…

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Reports for the translator – facilitating work on translation projects

Professional translators are a key element of the success of a translation agency. To make their job easier, it is important to provide them with essential work tools and make sure that the translation process is transparent. To meet their needs, LivoLINK, an advanced translation project management software, offers reports dedicated to translators.

Reports for translators in LivoLINK help translators track their work, manage projects, and effectively use available resources. Moreover, they have access to information about assigned work, deadlines, project specifications, and other key details. Translators can track project progress, control the amount of work, and monitor their own efficiency.

In addition, reports for translators allow you to easily manage deadlines and work schedules. Translators receive notifications about upcoming deadlines, which helps them avoid delays and ensure high-quality translations. For translators cooperating with translation agencies, LivoLINK is not only a work tool, but also a great support in task organization and effective time management. Thanks to reports, translators can work more efficiently and provide better translations, which increases customer satisfaction and company success.

Full control: reports for the LSP client

For clients of translation agencies, transparency and control over projects are crucial. That is why…

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Full control: reports for the LSP client

For clients of translation agencies, transparency and control over projects are crucial. That is why LivoLINK, an advanced translation project management software, offers insightful reports dedicated to customers.

Client reports in LivoLINK are a tool that allows clients of a translation agency to have full access to data regarding their cooperation with the translation agency. It is also a way to ensure transparency and increase customer trust.

Clients using LivoLINK can track their translation expenses in a detailed and organized way.

The client panel lets them easily analyze the number of translation expenses in configurable time intervals. This means that your client can monitor how much they spend on translations in a given month, quarter, or year.

A detailed analysis of orders available on the client panel provides customers with a better understanding of which services and translation languages they spend the most money on. This is an outstanding tool for clients who want to optimize their translation expenses and adapt their translation strategy to their needs.

Reports in LivoLINK: a key tool for analytics in the Translation Agency (LSP)

In today’s field of translation, the ability to effectively manage projects, finances, and human…

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Reports in LivoLINK: a key tool for analytics in the Translation Agency (LSP)

In today’s field of translation, the ability to effectively manage projects, finances, and human resources is the key to success. In this context, reports become essential for analyzing operations and making informed decisions based on data-driven evidence. LivoLINK, an advanced translation project management software, offers a wide range of reports created specifically for organizations (LSP).

You can generate detailed reports on sales, translation projects, translation volume, translators’ working time, and many other aspects of the business. This tool allows you to track project performance, control costs, and maintain a high level of service quality. Reports provide information on margins, ongoing project costs, team efficiency, and workload. They also allow for long-term analysis and forecasting of trends, which is extremely useful in planning a company’s development strategy.

For translation agencies that want to boost their efficiency and growth, reports in LivoLINK are a key tool for planning, management, and business development. The software allows you to personalize reports, adapting them to the individual needs of the company. This not only facilitates data analysis but also allows for quick adaptation to changing market conditions.

Thanks to reports in LivoLINK, translation agencies have full control over their activities, which translates into greater efficiency, satisfied clients, and profitability for the entire translation agency.

If you’re looking for a way to increase control over your translation company, LivoLINK is designed to fit your business goals.

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